Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Tree of Life & the Smashing Pumpkins: Embracing Your Limitations

God sent humans out of the Garden of Eden to save them from eating of the Tree of Life and gaining immortality with a fallen nature (Gen 3:22). This is C.S Lewis’ definition of hell — living eternally with one’s own uncurbed vices.

God puts limits on us for our own good. 

I am in a season where I am brought face to face with my own limitations: physically, mentally, spiritually, temporally. I am realising that I just cannot possibly do everything I want to do — whether it be in a day or a year or in a lifetime.

You reach an age where there seems to be a sudden narrowing of possibilities. You can’t do it all. You can’t be everything to everyone. You can’t be everywhere. Your circle shrinks. 

But maybe it was always smaller, our circle, than we thought, and all that’s happened now is that our eyes are wider open. 

I’m thinking of the wisdom in Paul’s statement “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (1 Thes 4:11); and consequently of all the time I’ve wasted.

Although the quote is originally credited to Georgie Bernard Shaw, Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins was, in his own cynical and self-absorbed way, correct when he belted out “Youth is wasted on the young!” (In the both intensely poignant and rambunctious epic “Thru the Eyes of Ruby”). 

But perhaps there’s freedom in a reduction of possibilities. 

Permission to let go. 

Permission to let be.

Permission to let God.

By nature we are limited to physical bodies that fail us, minds that grow weary, hearts that ache for more. 

But our souls yearn regardless — in the final estimation, we are too big for our boots. 

We are made for more than this life can provide. Squeezing water from a rock is not only exhausting — it’s futile.

So I ask God the question: “What are you teaching me in this season?” 

His answer: “It is enough, whatever you do. You are sufficient. These limits are for your good. Respect them.” 

What’s the outcome? I focus again on Him, the Lord and the Giver of Life, who has more than we can ask or imagine in store for us.

Therefore, somewhat unexpectedly, even in this season I proclaim: God is good!


Are you experiencing limits in your life?

Embrace them. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust God knows what He’s doing.

But hey, it’s just my two-bob as usual.

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